Thursday, June 18, 2009

ok I love the Opera

So I went to the opera tonight and loved it. It was a comedy this time, much more fast paced and quite hilarious. It was called " DIE SCHWAIGSAME FRAU" which means "The Silent Wife" Basically it was about this guy with a huge fortune that was destined to be for his nephew. But when said nephew shows up announcing he wants to become an opera singer, the man takes it away from said nephew. Now, before I continue, I must point out that the English Translation was quite literal, and even translated the names of people. As a result, the barber (one of the main characters) was named "Mr Trimbeard" in the English translation, which I think is quite hilarious. So nephew and Mr. Trimbeard, the uncle's barber, scheme this plan for said man to fake marry nephew's wife/girlfriend. Uncle hates music and noise (hence the cutting off when nephew wanted to be an opera singer). So they went about it by him fake marrying someone he thought was timid and quiet and would be a "Silent Wife." Her fake name was Timidia. And then, once they were "married" (by the actors from man's opera house) she would scream at him because he was bothering her quiet time and she wasn't going to be a timid wife. Then she throws a tantrum, "Breaks" all his stuff and goes about redecorating and screaming about. Then, they get divorced and the scheme worked. Except they were never married in the first place. But the Uncle, once discovering his "wife" was actually his nephews wife, he was so relieved that he wasn't married to the crazy, insane woman that he says he will love music and one of the last lines of the opera, said by him in song is, "Oh how beautiful the music is and how wonderful it is when it stops."

Also, I met a group of students and a professor from Georgia and chatted with them before the play and during intermission etc which was fun. Always good to meet new people!

Oh and, while reading both the German and English subtitles to the Opera, I learned that "Lord" in German is "Herrgott" which directly translated is "Mr God"

And the last thing...At the end of the Opera, they definitely come and go off stay far too many times for the bows. As in, it lasts twenty minutes or longer. Which I think defeats the purpose. Just sayin...

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