Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Neuschwanstein Castle!

Alright, so after leaving Oberammergau, we drove to Neuschwanstein Castle, which is the castle in several disney movies, is the basis of many of the disney cartoon castles and the Disneyland Castle. The drive was beautiful and the castle is AMAZING. It is also known as "Mad King Ludwig's Castle"
There were a bunch of Paraglider's gliding around the top of the castle, which was pretty cool I must say. I would do that if it wasn't for the fact that I might die.
So mother and I wandered around the town for a bit (very cute of course,)
(this is the second, less well known of his palaces that is in the same town. Linderhof is also a Mad King Ludwig Castle and the only one that he completed)
ate lunch at the Hotel Muller
saw a maypole
then hiked up to the castle. The hike was very nice and not too long. and the castle was totally worth the hike.
We took a bunch of pictures. I stood on the platform of death. Well, almost stood. I made it about 3 feet onto it. You could see to the valley floor! Mother and another woman wouldn't go either so I was not alone in my fear
We learned a few cool things about the castle. It was only 1/3 of the way finished when Ludwig died after living in for only 172 days. He declared in his will that the castle must be blown up following his death so that he'd be the only man to see what he had seen...but it was open to the public 3 weeks after his death.
Even though it was built in the 1800's a lot of the artwork on the inside was more of a Medieval style, but of course was made just a couple hundred years ago.
I want to live in a castle.
The view from the castle was amazing!
Overall it was one of my favorite castles in Europe. It was much newer than the ones I've seen in Ireland and Hungary but definitely very cool. The rooms were amazing. we weren't allowed to take pictures
(even though I took a couple)
but they were sooo intricate with beautiful paintings. One room had paintings of nature mixed with fairy tales. It was just very cool and I hope to return.
Other interesting things from the tour. There was a family from Issaquah on our tour. And a mother and son. Apparently the son and his "world of warcraft" team had played so much they were sent to Germany for the North American Regional Championships...the championship paid for him to go, and his mother because he was under 18. I think I should begin playing world of warcraft....and get really good at it


  1. Were you traveling with Jabba the Hutt?

  2. Hey Lauren!!! You took the same tour as me and mom did. It was such a cool place. I too, loved the castle and the lovely paintings on the sides of the homes and buildings on the drive. Its very magical. Did you see the shop for clocks? I could only afford a "plastic" clock. It brought back so many good memories. We also saw the same places in Munic. And I loved "hearing" your band. I think I have heard their songs. And your mom looked great in the photos...we are soooo glad to have her back...your sister, anna and allison have their Harry Potter tickets! I will email you as I am taking my computer to Japan with me...if I figure out what time it is...I will skype u. I never know what time it is in Narita...its just too confusing. Love your photos...we talk about you and miss you!

  3. Great pics and comments - I too may take up world of warcraft. Going to call your mom and get the stories behind the pics - her angle(and there are no Jabba look alikes in these photos!) - just two cute chicks.
    Love Wendy
