Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Hungary Trip 3 Part 2

So my last day in Budapest Judit took Nora and I to a town called Gödöllő just outside Budapest, where Sisi (Princess Elisabeth of Austria) built one of her many palaces. It is a lot less preserved/ornate than her palaces in Austria because the Russians used the palace as housing in Hungary and looted everything. It was her summer residence. I wish I had a summer palace, just for, you know, residing in in the summer.

But it was still beautiful! Unfortunately, we couldn't take pictures inside the palace (as usual. I hate that!)

Relatively recently, they found a Baroque theatre within the grounds connected to the palace. Somehow it had been hidden. It was one of just 3 Baroque theatres in Europe!! It was very beautiful and very cool.

Afterwards, we returned to their house and hung out for a while until it was time to take the train back to Vienna. They gave me this great map of the Austro-Hungarian Empire to take home with me.
This is the train station in Budapest. it's very pretty.
I spent the weekend in Vienna, meeting up with everyone I could, seeing some last minute sites and then I flew to Split, Croatia with Ashley

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