Sunday, June 7, 2015

Meeting Josiah and the Russian market

Since my primary purpose in going to Phnom Penh was to visit my cousin Todd and his wife, Jen and their son, Josiah, the majority of our time was spent hanging out, which was great. I loved getting to know Jen and Josiah. Due to my absence from America for almost 4 years, I had only met Jen one time, when she and Todd had a 12 hour layover in Seoul. 12 hours isn't a lot of time to get to know someone! I have just one other significant other to meet (Colin, my cousin Alana's boyfriend) and one more baby to meet (my almost 3 year old cousin's son. So not exactly a baby now...I've been gone a bit too long!)

We played a lot of games, which Jen generally won. We also binge watched season 1 of Downton Abbey, which was lovely. I love that show.

And I played with Josiah. He turned 5 months while I was there. He discovered his toes for the first time. He would grunt loudly when he was playing with his toes. It was adorable. He's adorable.He did not enjoy tummy time.

Here we are on my first night!
These are pictures from the Russian market near Todd and Jen. Due to lack of space, I couldn't really buy souvenirs on this trip, but I did buy a small painting of a Cambodian riverside. And I bought 2 purses because my beloved travel purse decided to rip apart on day two of my trip. Day Two was a bad day: I caught a cold and my purse died.
We ate a lot of traditional dishes. My favorite was the Khmer curry and rice at a restaurant my friend Elaine recommended called "Frizz." It was extremely delicious, but it is possible Jen got food poisoning from that restaurant. Whoops.

I mean, really, look at that face! Could he be any cuter?

Josiah's first angry picture.

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