We dragged various towels and beach mats and shoes along with us.
There were a few different pools in the pool area. Various temperatures and sizes. We chose the non-kiddy, semi-deep pool.
Adrienne was horrified by the speedos.
To the right is a building near their house.
Here is a picture of the train tracks near the pool.
While at the pool, there was a man who decided he needed to stand out of the pool, with his leg perched inappropriately while still wearing a speedo, sideways on the ledge staring at everyone. Lilly ran into his feet and we were all horrified.
At least this time, Starey McStare Stare was very attractive with his sunglasses. We may or may not have occasionally looked over at him.
After swimming for a while, we moved up to the hill to lay down and rest from our swimming.
He walked up the stairs before we even finished joking with each other about him coming up the stairs. We all looked at him in surprise! I'm sure we weren't obvious. He laid down within staring distance and continued to stare. We occasionally glanced back.
Then, he started smoking and he really wasn't attractive anymore.
Allergies are the worst.
After hanging around the pool, we headed to the next train station to get Greek food, which is pictured above. It is extremely delicious.
It's a beautiful little town. We thought we might meet up with Nora when she got off work.
It was not fine. We were only in the town for approximately 10 minutes, but good heavens, it was a bloodbath! A bloodbath!
Allison immediately had about 20 bites, Lilly had several, including one very large one on her forehead. I had several on my arms and legs.
We asked the woman working at the shop where we could find bug spray. It was still light out but all the shops were closed, so she very kindly let us use her bug spray.
While flailing through some bug spray dramatically, Lilly ran into one of her classmates. Oops.
We decided to escape town quickly and headed for the train.
It really is beautiful!
This was a nice door!
A very cute town.
An almost normal picture, except it's a bit blurry! The rest will be in the photobomb album!
There's the ice cream shop we used as our refuge.
So cute.
While in the ice cream shop, I witnessed this.
Lilly covering up her bug bite. It was very unfortunate.
Just some umbrellas.
The center.
We basically immediately got on a train back into Budapest.
Once on the train, a man sat down and was asleep within seconds, snoring loudly.
There were mosquitoes on the train. A lot of mosquitoes on the train.
Allison, who is allergic to mosquito bites, had the crazy eyes going due to all the mosquitoes.
Adrienne is imitating Allison here.
And again. Allison is not amused.
Here are the crazy eyes in action.
A mosquito landed on the wall next to me. Allison saw it with her crazy eyes and said, "Lauren kill it!"
So I hit it with my pool mat.
It had clearly just bitten someone.
It exploded with a lot of blood.
Lilly, Allison, Anna and I all yelled due to the bloodshed.
Adrienne didn't notice. She said, "Why are you yell-AHH!"
The entire train stared at us. It was embarrassing.
It then continued to twitch on the wall, not dead but with the blood squirted out of it, for the rest of the train ride.
"Hey, remember when Lauren killed the mosquito and everyone stared at us?"
To the left is a very clear example of Allison's crazy eyes.
Allison going after a mosquito.
We headed into Budapest to check out the Ruined Pubs, Szempli Kert, Instant and another one. they are pubs built into old houses and factories, which are pretty cool looking. They are decorated with old furniture.
Before we made it, we witnessed the steepest escalator I've ever seen.
Then, while waiting for the subway, we saw an adult woman pouting like no woman has pouted before. Arms crossed, facing the wall, sad face. Her boyfriend attempted to make her stop pouting. Then, on the subway, was turning the pages of her book for her. We saw them the next day. She was slightly less pouty, but good heavens. Who wants to put up with that.
We walked by the Dohany Street Synagogue, which I visited on my last trip to Budapest. I'm copying most of what I'm saying here from this blog from 4 years ago. This is the part of the blog that doesn't quite fit with the funny part of my writing, but I think it's important to learn. It's very sobering.

I took this picture 4 years ago, which is still one of my favorite pictures I've ever taken. It's an art piece in the shape of a Weeping Willow. On each small metal piece is the name of a Hungarian Jew who was killed in the Holocaust.
Ok, back to the ruined pubs. Some of them are in the Jewish Quarter.
This is the entrance to one of them, Szempli Kert.
After leaving, we waited for the bus nearby.
While waiting, we witnessed a man vomit, then immediately come over to talk to us.
It basically went like this:
He was quite drunk. He claimed to be an professional Irish Step Dancer, which we didn't believe, until he actually performed for us. He was extremely good, while drunk, so it's possible he was telling the truth.
Adrienne asked me later why I was being so short with the drunk men.
I felt it was obvious
A statue. Anna creeping behind the statue. As usual.
This room in the club had a toilet in it.
We caught the bus back to their house. Elice, Judit and Kosztya had just gotten back from a trip to Eger, so they were up. We all chatted a bit and then headed to bed! Another successful day.
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