Sunday, August 12, 2012


Will be done in 4 days. Then, I will finally start the blog again. Supposedly.

My Sundays and Wednesday afternoons have been spent in a mini-coma, so no writing.

 That and the Olympics have been on. I love the Olympics a lot, especially gymnastics, which was quite the drama fest this year! And women's soccer. Yay Team USA! They barely beat Canada in the Semi-finals, which basically involved me gasping and feeling really tense while they were playing, but beat Japan in the Finals and won Gold! Woohoo! I watched it a couple days late and spent those 2 days not reading the news or results and yelling at people who tried to tell me who won. You do not mess with my Olympics.

My classes are going well. I'm teaching a Debate class, which is a lot of fun.

This happened in class.

Me: I really liked your argument about hardship being an elephant of maturity.
Student: Teacher, you just said elephant instead of element. Are you tired?
Me: Apparently...

That shows you how well I am handling teaching 12 hours a day.

Just kidding, it is going well and my kids are extremely fluent and good at debate, so it's been great. My other kids are cute and spend their class time weeping and pulling my arm hair.

Just kidding, I only had one weeping incident over the number of lines she had to say in a presentation, so clearly my students are as tired as I am. The pulling of the arm hair is a daily occurrence in my classes. Last week, one of my students said "Teacher, you have a lot of fur." I said, "No, I don't. I am not a cat."

4 more days...

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